“Tessa. Ha ha! That sounds like tosser!” Dicks. – 29th December 2002

Sunday 29th  I went to see Lord of the Rings at Westbrook cinema in Warrington. I realised that, at the start of the film when Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli are running across the hill, it really reminded me of our walk to uni, with Archie and I miles ahead and Jen walking really slowly behind. Mean as it was, it’s true!

On Tuesday, I went out in Warrington with Lizzie, Karen and Isaac. I like having the lads there too because they kind of act as our minders, keeping the dodgy scallies away.

We saw Robert Osborne (very fit) and Cameron Anderson (v. cute) in Flares. They went to school/college with us. One of their mates blew me a kiss on the way out. Some other guy asked where I got my pink, spiky bracelet from. I said T in the Park and he assumed it was a rock festival. Some other bloke thought Lizzie and I were sisters but she said she wasn’t insulted by that. Good!

It was Christmas Day on Wednesday. Yey! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! 🙂 I got the usual stuff (socks, pyjamas, bath stuff etc.) plus quite a bit of money. Auntie G and Grandma came over for Christmas dinner so we took pictures and made short films with Mum’s digital camera. I spoke to Jonas on the phone. He said he’d been on his Xbox all holiday so far.

I was quite pleased on Friday when I went into TSB bank and the woman behind the desk said, “Tessa. Is that your name?” I said it was and she said, “It’s nice that. Yeh, I like that.” 🙂 Cool! Normally people say, “Tessa. Ha ha! That sounds like tosser!” Dicks.

I went to see Jonas in Huddersfield today and I’m going to stay over. We met up to get each other’s presents. Jonas got me a little moose ornament, a Pocket Pleaser vibrator (to prove he would actually go into a shop and buy one!), a chocolate man thing and a big Legolas poster with the last Lord of the Rings book. We had a really nice night together and did some stuff in bed.


The tap was dripping, like how Oscar always left it – 22nd December 2002

Sunday 22nd  I went Christmas shopping with my mates at the Trafford Centre on Monday evening. I bought some boots, jeans and a top. Everyone was dreading the funeral the next day because we knew it was going to be really upsetting.

We all met at Floyd’s house at 10am on Tuesday morning and made our way over the road to the church. I stayed with Lizzie because we were the only girls and we knew we were going to cry. I’m very glad she was there too. We all sat at the back of the church. When we opened our hymn books there were photos of Oscar inside. That set most people off, including me.

I’d just managed to control myself when the coffin came in. It was lucky it didn’t arrive earlier because the organ was playing You’ll Never Walk Alone and Oscar was an Everton fan. Instead, Oscar came in to Hotel California. His dad told everyone what had happened and how Oscar had stopped treatment because he saw how much it was hurting his family. It was really sad. His little brother then spoke and said how, on the day Oscar died, he went into the bathroom and the tap was dripping, like how Oscar always left it.

Apparently Oscar said he didn’t want any tears but there was no way anyone could help it. They played Always by Bon Jovi as he left the church which is going to make me think of him whenever I hear it now.

We all filed round the back of the church to watch the burial and then went back to Floyd’s. There had been so many people there, including some teachers. Everyone felt totally drained afterwards and every time someone asked if I was ok, I got upset again.

I went back to Huddersfield and just wanted to curl up on the sofa and watch TV but Jen and Archie saw I was upset and wouldn’t leave me so I was forced to go out. Ben was being really nice to me, saying how he’s had to go to loads of funerals. He put his arm round me too. He told me that his housemate John thinks I’m cool.

I went to uni on Wednesday. Jen had a placement interview for Kirklees Council and got the job. I stayed at Jonas’s on Thursday night but when I got back to the house I found that Archie had gone to uni and locked me out I was back early too because he’s asked me to be so I could sign for his DVDs.

Archie’s started to get pissed off with Jen for being loud and jumping all over him all the time. We had a course night out on Friday but not many people made it. It was ok though. Archie and Kenny kept saying I was cute and stuff. Jonas came over afterwards and stayed at mine. I feel really good with him again now but unfortunately we had to part for the Christmas holidays.

I was Floyd’s house party tonight. There were loads of people I didn’t know there. Lizzie and I made a cocktail containing gravy granules, vinegar, sugar and paprika and many other substances, and managed to get about 10 people to drink it! Cat was one of them and got very pissed off with us. Oops! This 23 year old lad from The Green Dragon helped is.


They kept the scallies at bay – 8th & 15th December 2002

Sunday 8th  Jonas said that next year he might go down south and work with his dad so when I told him I might put my name down for northern jobs, he looked all sad and disappointed. 🙂 He did also say that he’ll probably stay in the north if he doesn’t work with his dad.

We all went to Visage on Tuesday and Jonas kept telling me he loved me. When I was on my own outside waiting for Jonas, Welsh Matt was very sweet and asked if I was ok and offered to wait with me. Jonas told me that Ross thinks I’m nice.

Jen and I went up to the accommodation office at uni on Friday to complain about our landlord. We said about the heating problems and how my door doesn’t lock and hasn’t been fixed since the break in. The woman took it all really seriously and is writing a letter to them to ask for them to do something about it all.

I stayed at Jonas’s last night because our heating went off AGAIN!! I got to listen to him and Pierced Sam practicing singing and playing band stuff. Surprisingly, we had heating again today. Wow!


Sunday 15th  I had a hell of a lot of work to do at the start of this week As usual, I left it all until the last minute so it’s pants but at least I got it done.

We all went to Heaven + Hell on Tuesday. Alexa was being very drunk and loud and started arguing with some lad in the queue. Jen ended up getting off with one his friends called Ben and got very pissed off with Andrea who was telling her he’s a boring accountancy geek.

I saw Paul and Joy (Jonas’s housemates) but not many other people I know. Kevin buggered off at the end of the night and didn’t tell us so Archie and I were left waiting for him in the freezing cold. We’d already queued for our coats for ages. We would’ve been even longer had Tara and Aletta not complained that we were the only ones that had obeyed the bouncer’s orders to stand against the wall. Everyone else just muscled in.

I spent all of Wednesday and Thursday skiving lectures to get my Ecology report done. I know it’s complete crap because I didn’t have a clue what I was doing.

Sarah came to visit me on Friday. She told me that Oscar Price has died. It happened on Wednesday. I was pretty good mates with him in college because he went out with Lizzie. He’s had leukaemia for ages but it’s still a shock and very awful. I couldn’t stop thinking about it all night. 😦

We went to Heaven + Hell again. There were lots of pervy scally locals so it’s not the best night out I’ve ever had. Paul and Dave were there though so they looked after us and they kept the scallies at bay.

Hayley Pearson, who I’ve not heard from for ages, texted me saying a lot of people are gathering for a drink because of Oscar. I really wanted to go so I stayed at Jonas’s last night and got the train home today. I met everyone in The Beech Tree at 2pm. It was nice to see so many people there. I really feel sorry for Aled Brownlee. He’s been best mates with Oscar for ages. I’d be gutted if anything happened to one of my best mates.

I found out his funeral is on Tuesday at the church. A lot of people are going so Lizzie and I are going to go too. We feel like we should because we knew him quite well in college. I’d want lots of people to come to mine.

I went to see Grandma S this evening. She doesn’t really know who I am anymore but seem happy enough.


Kevin’s dirty underwear – 1st December 2002

Sunday 1st  I went to Camel Club with Jonas and his mates on Monday because it was his last day of being 19. We talked about next year again but it was more positive this time. However, Jonas did say that he doesn’t think it’d be a proper relationship just seeing each other at the weekends. I disagree. Other people manage it. He said if we last in the next year then we’ll have been together longer so it’d be easier. He said he doesn’t want to split up with me and he would like me to be near him so we can stay together. I hope we do. He says he’ll have to stick with the same job for a while so not to base anything on him. I keep getting this awful dread feeling still. Ugh! Jonas started kissing me lots and saying he loved me and he wanted to show me how much and prove he’s not going off me.

Also on Monday, I arrived back from uni with Jen at 1:15pm to find that our house had been broken into. It was awful. They’d been through everything. Quite a lot of stuff was missing too, including my stereo, loads of DVDs and Kevin’s dirty underwear. We think they must’ve used his washbag to carry stuff in. The little bastards had come in through the basement door. A policeman came round and we found a hat belonging to one of the scallies. The forensics guy took it with him and got a load of fingerprints too. The scary thing is that one of us could well have still been in bed when they came in.

On Tuesday, it was Jonas’s 20th birthday and a year since we met. Wow! 🙂 We went to Milton and then Visage and Jonas got very drunk. We talked about next year AGAIN and he said he doesn’t want to split up but it might be more practical at the time. He said he might well change his mind when it comes to it though. He wants to talk to Dave about it so I hope he says to stay with me.

The thing is that if Jonas has secretly already decided he wants to be single next year then I want to know. I don’t want to waste my time being with someone who’s not sure they want to be with me. I love him but if he doesn’t feel the same then he’s not worth it. He did say he loved me loads and we got to level 5 in lots of different ways. I’m worried my pill won’t work now.

Jonas said that he knows loads of people who fancy me but won’t say who. I want to know though!

Jonas went to Scotland on Wednesday night. He got cheap coach tickets. He invited me but I’ve got way too much work and stuff. He had to go from Leeds so I went there with him. We had tea in some pub and Jonas said he loves me and that he wanted me to go with him.

I went home of Friday and saw Grandma S. I went to see Floyd and Sarah last night and then went to the Trafford Centre.

I came back to lovely, criminal-ridden Huddersfield today and Jonas stayed over and said he loves me and stuff. He also told me that his Forres mate Will said to give me his phone number if we ever split up. Yey! He’s so cute! 🙂


Properly crying, really hard – 24th November 2002

Sunday 24th  Yet another gasman told us our boiler is a pile of crap on Monday. He said he’d only seen one before and it couldn’t be fixed. Great. I also saw Uriel in the TSB that afternoon. He said “hi” and stuff so he must recognise me now.

Due to a night out in Visage on Tuesday, I didn’t make it into uni for a lab the next morning. Oops! That’s 2 I’ve missed in a row now. I felt guilty until I found out I could just write up the 1st lab we did for coursework instead.

Jonas and I went to see Harry Potter on Thursday night. It was really good but scarier than the 1st one. Nobody warned me about big snakes getting their eyes gouged out by a phoenix. Eurgh!!

After the film I went back to Jonas’s. We had a bit of a talk about next year but the main serious conversation happened when I stayed at his on Friday. I ended up getting very upset because Jonas told me he wasn’t sure he wants to stay with me next year. I do want to stay together but he’s not sure he can cope with only seeing me at the weekends. He said he wouldn’t have been able to stand it for much longer over the summer. I didn’t know that before.

Jonas also ended up getting upset (as in properly crying, really hard) when I said it’s be like losing a best friends as well. He doesn’t seem sure about anything though, not even me being near him. He said he doesn’t want to split up and says we should just see how it goes.

I was still very upset yesterday morning. We ended up doing stuff though. That make me feel better because if he’d gone off me, he probably wouldn’t have wanted to.

I got to Teesside eventually yesterday. It’s meant to only be one train but, as usual, there were problems so I ended up having to get 3. I went from Huddersfield to Leeds to York and then on to Middlesbrough. Lizzie met me at the station and we walked to her house. It’s quite small but really nice. Her housemates Cat and Gemma seem nice too. I miss having girly mates. I’ve got a shortage of them at uni.

Lizzie took me to a Chinese buffet place for tea. It was really nice. Her boyfriend, AJ, and a couple of his mates, Chris and Andy (I think), came too. When we got back, we all put on our school uniforms and went off to the school disco at the Teeside student union.

[Me, Lizzie, Cat & Gemma]

It was a really good night. I saw Ken Dronfield and Rachael Hollins who used to go to 6th form college with us. We all did lots of dancing and drinking and at one point, AJ mistook me for Lizzie and grabbed my arse. That was pretty funny and I don’t think anyone will let him forget about that for a while! We all got party bags on our way out which was cool. Lizzie and I then stayed up until 6am, just talking.

I got the train back to Huddersfield today after going into Middlesbrough to see the ice rink and fayre. Jonas met me at the station 🙂 so I stayed at his. We did stuff and I’m a wee bit worried about that now!


He picked me up and swung me round and asked for a birthday kiss – 10th & 17th November 2002

Sunday 10th  Well, my last full week of being 19 wasn’t all that exciting. I helped Jonas make a model of a straw house and stayed at his a couple of times after spending most of my time doing coursework. He said he loves me lots. 🙂

Archie’s mate Tim came to say on Tuesday. We went to the bonfire at Storthes and it was a pretty good firework display. I saw a girl in my room that I had last year. We went to Visage afterwards but there was nobody there and Tim wouldn’t dance.

Archie knows Jen fancies him (because it’s blatantly obvious) but he didn’t know what she did with Kevin. I thought he did because she said she’d told him so I was talking about it. Oops!


[IDST was only ever going to be my cringeworthy teenage diaries but, as it turns out, I was no less embarrassing after my teens… so I might as well keep going.]

Sunday 17th  Well, I’m no longer a teenager anymore. I’m 20!! Wow. That sounds quite old. I still feel the same as I did when I was about 16!

On my last day of being 19 (Monday), Jonas’s Peugeot (Lily) failed her MOT. It’d cost him £300 to repair so it’s not really worth it seeing as he only paid £100-ish and has no money anyway. Jonas came round for a last drive in Lily and to stay over.

We stayed up until 12:14 am on 12th November (my time and date of birth) and Jonas made me go and hide in my room for a bit.

[Blurry selfie of the exact minute I turned 20.]

He then put his hands over my eyes and guided me into the kitchen. He’d bought me a Tweenies cake (because Michael said I remind him of Fizz when I get excited) with 20 candles and sand Happy Birthday to me. He’d also got me a huge card and he had to cover up Howley with a heart inside. He said Paul interrupted him while he was writing it and he’s accidentally put his full name on!

[My birthday card and Tweenies cake. I thought I was SO OLD.]

He’d bought me 3 presents too. A kung fu hamster, a beady necklace and 3 beady bracelets. J I love Jonas! He got me the Caesar III computer game too for my laptop because I used to have it at home. It was all really nice. He kept saying he loves me and happy birthday and cuddling me. Mmm! 🙂

I was woken up by a Happy Birthday from Jonas as he left in the morning for work on Tuesday. Jen had made me some Happy Birthday signs and stuck them around the house. I also had 3 cards and 3 texts. My tickets for Visage arrived too.

Abby came that afternoon with Mum and Dad. I got some money, tops and cushions from them which was good.

That evening, we all dressed up and went off to the school disco at Visage. We started in Milton but everyone else was in normal clothes so we didn’t stay long. I didn’t buy one drink! There were loads of people out too which was nice.

[Me, Abby and my tiny Nokia with a battery that lasted about a year.]

Marc out of my flat last year introduced me to his girlfriend, Jodie. I already knew who she was because she’d got off with Ben and stalked Jake apparently.

Pierced Sam was going round kissing everyone in Visage. I got a big kiss on the lips but then so did Jonas so it didn’t really matter!

Jonas turned up quite late actually but said I looked really fit. I got lots of snogs from him too. 🙂

Some guy Jen knows was also 20 in my birthday and when he found out he picked me up and swung me round and asked for a birthday kiss. I said no. He was a bit of a prick obviously. I actually felt very light-headed and had no appetite. It could’ve been because I came on my period though. Typical timing on my birthday!

I skived uni on Wednesday and Abby went home. Jonas stayed over. Not much happened for the rest of the week. I saw lots of Jonas though.

I had a major go at Kevin today. I got back from Jonas’s to be told that Kevin hadn’t phoned British Gas to sort the boiler out again. He also hadn’t bought any bread or milk as usual. He just stood and listened because there was no way he could defend himself as it was all true. Jen didn’t bloody well help. She just stood at the top of the stairs and listened. Both she and Archie said he deserved it though. I know!


Kevin is an arsehole – 27th October & 3rd November 2002

Sunday 27th  Oh dear, Jonas has let Pierced Sam and Dave do his hair for him. This is not good. It is now a blue mohican. No comment.

I kept feeling really weird when I was doing the Storthes Hall grass counting field trip on Tuesday. I kept going all dizzy and feeling like I was about to go unconscious. I saw my room at Storthes and it now has a sunflower cushion in the window.

Jonas got stuff from his insurance people through on Wednesday. He might get £500 for Betty [his car]. Cool!

We FINALLY, after about 7 weeks, got our boiler fixed on Thursday. Mmm, warmth! However, we forgot to set the timer so it was still freezing on Friday morning. Jonas was a wee bit drunk that night when I went round because he thought we were going to Milton. He showed me his shopping. It consisted of a box of “toys” from Ann Summers. He wanted to make use of them but we didn’t. He confessed that before me, his hands did nothing for him so he used to do stuff with his bed. Hee hee! That’s one to use if ever he pisses me off!

Last night I stayed at Jonas’s. I woke up at 10:45am today and Jonas still wasn’t back from work I was really worried and he wasn’t answering his phone. I eventually got a text saying he was still at work talking about a car. The clocks had also gone back.


Sunday 3rd  Archie’s 15 year old brother came to stay for a couple of nights at the start of the week. He couldn’t get in any bars or anything so instead we stayed in and played drinking games. Ben was also there and Jen told him that Kevin wanted to hit him because he thought Ben was after me. That was last year but Ben was still really pissed off.

Kevin was ill at home with a stomach bug so we all had a good whinge about him. Ben used the opportunity to steal Kevin’s Transformers poster too.

Jonas came round for a bit later to show me his new car. It’s a red F-reg Peugeot 105 and seems ok. He bought it off a bloke called Freddie wo works at the driving range with him.

Jonas stayed over quite a lot this week. I kind of made him on Thursday though. He said he’d come round then didn’t turn up so I was disappointed and sulked. He came round then. 🙂

Kevin is an arsehole. He’s put a padlock on his bedroom door to stop us going in. Archie said it’s not on because we might need to get to the electric cupboard or storeroom. Anyway, on Friday I decided I’d test my criminal skills and tried to break in to Kevin’s room. I did it but it wasn’t too difficult seeing as he’s screwed the padlock into his hollow door. Idiot.

Abby, Denny and Isaac all arrived on Friday for our bonfire party. We went out to Milton and then Warehouse and it was pretty good. The bad thing was that Isaac told me Oscar Price is going to die. Lizzie went out with him at college. He’s had leukaemia and apparently the last lot of treatment has failed. It’s awful. 😦

We all prepared for the party on Saturday. Lizzie arrived and helped too. The party was pretty good. Lots of people came, including Cat and Jerry, Jonas’s mates and sister.

It rained which was a shame because Abby, Denny, Isaac and I went to all the trouble of stealing wood from Storthes Hall and their bonfire, only to find it wouldn’t stay lit for long.

Sid said he thinks I don’t like him but Dave said to ignore him. Ben got drunk and apologised lots for not being very nice to me last year. Ben also came into my room after fighting Alexa for Kevin’s bed, saying he was too scared to sleep in there on his own and wanted one of us to go with him. No chance! I don’t want to go near Kevin’s room unless it’s to break in! Poor Ben also had the trauma of having one of Kevin’s socks stuck to his face after the lay on the bed. Urgh!

We spent most of today tidying up, including Kevin’s room. We discovered he wears Marks & Spencer black pants that look very much like knickers. We then had a KFC and everyone went home.

Jonas stayed over and we did stuff. I told him Denny’s theory as to why we think Jerry is 36, not 32:

  1. He told us he had a younger brother then said in a different conversation that his brother is 35.
  2. He said he read Lord of the Rings when he was 25 and had to wait 11 years to see the film.

HAH!! We’ve got you now, Jeremy!!


I do so enjoy his company – 20th October 2002

Sunday 20th  Jen and Archie are also getting pissed off with Kevin being so damn idle. Yes! About bloody time!

I had a good night out in Visage on Tuesday. It was Ben’s 21st birthday so he was pretty drunk. Jen told me that she fancies Archie. It’s kind of obvious. She can’t keep away from him. Whenever someone else is trying to talk to him, she goes and sits on him and stuff. I don’t mind, I just think it’s weird and could end in tears.

Kevin apparently said he hates me. That’s a shame because I do so enjoy his company and skivvying round after him. He spent all night showing off his digital camera (which daddy probably bought him) and making little films. I’m on them being drunk unfortunately.

Kevin also had a go at pulling Natalie, a girl that Archie fancies. Some mate he is. Archie wasn’t very happy about it but didn’t say anything so Kevin got away with it.

I spoke to a girl called Tara who lived with Ben last year. For some reason, she and the other girls she lived with really didn’t like me. Maybe they were just protective of Ben, I don’t know. Anyway, we cleared it all up and we now don’t hate each other (I never did!) and she said I’ve got to go to Blackpool at the weekend for the continuation of Ben’s birthday. I didn’t go because I went home for Floyd’s birthday but Tara said she’d pay for the B+B room and I could top and tail with her. Nice of her to offer anyway.

[Rehydrating with VKs, diesel and shots.]

I was getting odd looks off some girls in Visage because, as an excuse to talk to them, Ben had told them I was a lesbian and that I fancied them. Cheers, Ben! I also had some skater lad from my Geography lectures looking at me but I don’t know what that was about.

Jonas quit his job on Thursday. I’m glad because I couldn’t see him on many nights and he was sleepy in the day. I saw him and he’s got a new job collecting golf balls at the driving range every morning, 7-9am. I went to Bar Non that night and saw Vicky, Joy and Uriel who Jonas lives with but nothing really happen.

I skived Friday morning’s Noise and Radioactivity lecture because I was still pissed when I woke up. We’ve still not got our boiler part from British Gas so it was nice staying at Jonas’s that night for warmth and cuddles.

Jonas was up at 6am yesterday for his job but got back in bed again when he came back. We went into town later so Jonas could get a jumper. He then took me for lunch in Peel’s Café which was nice. It felt really coupley! He then went home and I got the train to Warrington.

My mates and I then went out in Manchester for Floyd’s 20th. It wasn’t a brilliant night. Not many people came. We all split up. Gethin and people went to Canal Street so me, Isaac, Floyd and Denny went to 5th Avenue. We got bored quite quickly and so went to McDonald’s. There were loads of police forensic people about but we don’t know what’d happened. We had to wait ages for a taxi and it was freezing so we stood in a phonebox and called the international operator loads to try and get the same person twice.


I had a horrible, hideous hair dying disaster – 13th October 2002

Sunday 13th  Kevin’s really pissed me off this week. He won’t give me a cheque for the £30 he owes me. He’s richer than anyone else but about 10 times as stingy. I’ve nicked some of this beloved Playstation II games anyway. I intend to pawn £30’s worth unless he pays me back.

I tinted my hair on Tuesday before we went to Visage. It’s called Berry Trendy and should wash out in a couple of days. Ben, Kenny and Archie all said it looks good.

I heard Archie say to Kenny I’m one of those rare girls that’s nice and fit! I was a bit drunk so I told the DJ to announce my birthday and took the piss out of Kevin’s dancing. Archie slagged him off lots but Jen’s made peace with him. I bet she still fancies him.

I saw Jonas briefly on Wednesday. I got a bit upset because I hate living with Kevin so much. I can’t stand him. Everything he does and says winds me up. He does fuck all and he’s sooo annoying. AAARRGH!!!

I saw Jonas on Thursday too. We got up to level 5. I love him sooo much! I hate not seeing him all the time.

I decided to clean the house on Friday. I went round everything and nobody even said thanks. Well fuck them. Lazy bastards. I’m going on strike.

Abby arrived for the weekend. Dad dropped her off and sniffed my new environmental law book. I’d done that too! That’s where I get it from then! Mum and Dad have given me £500 so I can survive the term. 🙂 I love my parents!

I had a horrible, hideous hair dying disaster yesterday. Everybody had said they liked my hair slightly red so when I went shopping in Leeds with Abby, I decided to make it permanent. Big mistake. I left it on longer than I should because Abby was in the shower and it went bright red. It was awful and I had to go out like that. Kenny and Archie liked it but they’ve got a thing for redheads. We didn’t stay out long. It was boring and full of scary middle-aged slappers in Jumpin’ Jaks. We’d had a good night in Warehouse on Friday anyway with Jonas and his mates.

I woke up this morning with my nasty red hair (kind of Fiz from Corrie style) and decided I couldn’t cope with it so I went to Sainsbury’s first thing and bough some dark brown Herbal Essences 66 Rich Dark Brown to cover it up. It worked but it now looks really dark. At least it’s more natural!

Mum and Dad came with Mollie to pick Abby up. Mum said I look like the Welsh side of the family with dark hair. They dropped me off at Jonas’s on their way home. I’m not sure he likes my hair. He said he does but I think it’s a shock!

Apparently Jonas was talking to Sid about me and Sid said he knows loads of lads that would “hire me out”. I want to know who!

I miss seeing Jonas loads like I did last year.


Jen’s eaten some of his peas – 6th October 2002

Sunday 6th  We started back at uni properly this week with actual lectures. They all seem ok so far. Kevin’s still fucking annoying. Jen hates him too. He doesn’t do anything to help clean up or anything.

We went to Visage on Tuesday night. It was alright but I left before it shut. Jen and Kevin stayed and ended up yelling at each other when they got in. Apparently Kevin didn’t wait for Jen and she had no money to get a taxi on her own so she was a bit pissed off. She also shouted at Archie because he said she should’ve arranged to meet him somewhere.

I saw Jonas on Thursday and he had a call from a recruitment agency saying there was a job going for the night. So, while he was loading up lorries, I went out to Bar Non. I saw Jake in there. It was his 21st birthday so he was a bit pissed. His rich Knutsford mate, Hugo (a.k.a. SLURB – Silly Little Ugly Rich Boy) was also there, acting like a prat as usual. I got some champagne out of the meeting though! I also had my back pinched by some lad. I think his aim was a bit out!

Jen spent a long time on Friday slagging off Kevin but it was with good reason. He owes us all money from stuff we bought for the house but won’t pay us back. He said he’s got no money until his student load comes through but we know that’s a blatant lie because he told us his dad gives him £200 a month for no reason and he keeps going out and spending loads of money. Kevin also spends much of his time eating our food but now Jen’s eaten some of his peas, he’s incredibly pissed off. Wanker.

Jonas had a party at his house yesterday. There weren’t many people there but it was still quite good. Pierced Sam told me I’m not minging and kissed me on the head.

I spent most of today at Jonas’s. I didn’t want to leave but the job he did on Thursday is now permanent. It’s from 7pm to 5am!
