People aren’t sweet and innocent forever – 2nd & 3rd May 2000

Tuesday 2nd Back to college. The new lad, Reed, (from South Africa) arrived. He’s very fit but seems to be hanging round in the pool room.

Got messages last night again. We got onto the subject of prostitutes or something and I said that I thought he was sweet and innocent. Jake then told me that he’d have to get rid of that image and had a few ideas how to do that. I told him I didn’t believe him and he said, “OH! SO I HAVEN’T GOT ANY?! I’LL JUST HAVE TO DRIVE DOWN SOME QUIET COUNTRY LANES WITH YOU!… OR I COULD WAIT TIL GETHIN’S PARTY!… OR I COULD COME + GET YOU NOW! xJx”.

I then said that people aren’t sweet and innocent forever, unless they’re unlucky. I think he thought I meant he’d never get anywhere with me because he put, “HANG ON!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN UNLUCKY?? AM I HEADING DOWN A DEAD END OR GOING AFTER A LOST CAUSE OR SOMETHING? COS I THINK I’M VERY LUCKY TO HAVE YOU!! xxxxx : ) xxxxx”. Good!


Wednesday 3rd Didn’t have any interesting messages last night. There was one saying he was with Venture Scouts (sad!!) and they all think it’s sweet that we send messages all the time but that was about it.

While I’ve been at kickboxing (even though I was sick this afternoon due to bad period pains), Jake was at Floyd’s. I thought he said he wasn’t going. I’d have skipped training if I’d known he was cos I’m still not feeling too great.


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